Latex and Code Examples


Latex and Code Examples


This blog supports some simple code syntax highlighting and the usage of LaTeX\LaTeX.

Be weary, Katex, the library used to display Latex, will crash your development environment if it encounters a symbol it is unfamiliar with. Be sure to test your posts on the development environment before publishing the site to a production server.

LaTeX\LaTeX Examples

Consider the following list of k a's and l b's:

{a,,ak as,b,,bl bsk+l elements}\{\underbrace{% \overbrace{a,\ldots, a}^{k\ a's}, \overbrace{b,\ldots, b}^{l\ b's}} _{k+l\ \mathrm{elements}} \}

Look further at this wild equation:

±x1x2y1y2l1m1l1m1l2m22+m1n1n1l12\frac{\pm \left|\begin{array}{ccc} x_1-x_2 & y_1-y_2 \\ l_1 & m_1 \end{array}\right|} {\sqrt{\left|\begin{array}{cc}l_1&m_1\\ l_2&m_2\end{array}\right|^2 + \left|\begin{array}{cc}m_1&n_1\\ n_1&l_1\end{array}\right|^2}}

Code Examples

Program in c++ to get the quotient and remainder of a pair of numbers.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
  int divisor, dividend, quotient, remainder;

  cout << "Enter dividend: ";
  cin >> dividend;

  cout << "Enter divisor: ";
  cin >> divisor;

  quotient = dividend / divisor;
  remainder = dividend % divisor;

  cout << "Quotient = " << quotient << endl;
  cout << "Remainder = " << remainder;

  return 0;

Program in python using the Sieve of Eratosthenes to count primes

def countPrimes_sieve_of_eratosthenes(self, n: int) -> int:
  if n < 2:
      return 0

  marked = set()
  seive = [i for i in range(1, n)]
  skip = 2
  while skip * skip < n:
      if skip not in marked:
          marked.update(seive[2 * skip - 1 :: skip])
      skip += 1

  return len(seive) - len(marked) - 1